
Contents for Higher Education for Sustainable Development

SPSF 2023-28: Sustainability

Book 1. Thompson & Norris (2021) Chap. 9: Sustainability - What everyone needs to ask Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Chap. 6: Sustainability models & concepts Book 1. Thompson & Norris (2021) Sustainability: What Everyone Needs to Know,, Oxf…

SPSF 2023-23: Wicked Problems

Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Chap. 4: Global Challenges as wicked problems Book 1. Thompson & Norris (2021) Chap. 8: Sustainability in Science, Education, Religion, and the Arts Discussions Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). An Introduction to S…

SPSF 2023-1: What is sustainability?

Book 1. Thompson & Norris (2021) Chap. 1: What is sustainability? Where to start? More than the environment? Achievable? Resilience? Further reading Fashionable? Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Chap. 1: Introduction Successes & Failures since…

24. SPSF 2022-14: Sustainable Development Goals,

Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Chap. 14: SDGs I. SDGs Wedding Cake Model: Structured SDGs II. Goal-Based Development III. Financing for SD IV. Principle of Good Governance V. Is SD Feasible? Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Chap. 2: Biography of …

22. SPSF 2022-13: Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services, Energy & Society

Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Chap. 13: Saving Biodiversity & Protecting Ecosystem Services I. What is Biodiversity? II. Biodiversity Under Threat III. Oceans and Fisheries IV. Deforestation V. International Dynamics Book 2. Mulligan, M. (20…

20. SPSF 2022-11: Resilient Cities & the Urban Challenge

Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Chap. 11: Resilient Cities I. The Patterns of Urbanization Around the World V. Planning Sustainable Development Additional Content: Covid-19 and urban life Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Chap. 15: The urban challe…

16 & 18. SPSF 2022-8: EFA, ESD, & post-Covid-19 to 2050

Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Chap. 8: Education for All Life Cycle Approach to Human Development Early Childhood Development (ECD) The Rising Returns of Education and the Supply Response Social Mobility The Role of Higher Education in Techn…

12 & 14. SPSF 2022-7: Social Inclusion, Risk & Resilience

Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Chap. 7: Social Inclusion Three dimensions of social inclusion: Divided Societies Forces of Widening Inequalities Gender Inequalities Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Chap. 7: Risk & Resilience Data Activities & Dis…

10. SPSF 2022-5: Ending Extreme Poverty

Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Chap. 5: Ending Extreme Poverty Data Activities & Discuss Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia Uni Pr Chap. 5: Ending Extreme Poverty A widely used definition of extreme pover…

8. SPSF 2022-4: Why some countries developed / stayed poor & Consumption/consumerism

Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Chap. 3: Consumption and consumerism Data Activities Japanese entry Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia Uni Pr Checklist of economic diseases: Po…

6. SPSF 2022-3: A Brief History of Economic Dev. & Wicked Problems

Textbook Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Chap. 3: A Brief History of Economic Development Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Chap. 4: Global Challenges as wicked problems Data Activities Japanese entry Textbook Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of…

4. SPSF 2022-2: An Unequal World & Biography of a concept

Textbook Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Chap. 2: An Unequal World Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Chap. 1: Introduction Chap. 2: Biography of a concept Data Activities Japanese entry Textbook Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of Sustainable De…

2. SPSF2022-1: Sustainability & Sustainable Development

Textbooks Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (2015). Chap. 1: Introduction to SD Book 2. Mulligan, M. (2018). Data Activities Discussions: Key Concepts Anthropocene Planetary Boundaries Doughnut Economics Japanese entry Textbooks Book 1. Sachs, J.D. (201…

2021年度 #エストニア「#サステナビリティ」スタディツアーはオンライン開催

タリン大学と合同コース 2018年2月 2019年度 2021年度の内容(シラバス) タリン大学と合同コース 「持続可能な社会構築」をテーマにしたエストニア等へのスタディツアーは、2021年度はタリン大学(Tallinn University)と共同オンラインコースとして展開さ…

Leal Filho, W. et.al eds (2020) Universities as Living Labs for SD

Part I: Campus as Living Labs for the SDGs Living Labs for SD: the Role of the European School of Sus Science and Res. The Role of Green Areas in University Campuses: contribution to SDG 4 and SDG 15 How Do You Teach Undergraduate Universi…

Leal, Walter ed.(2017). Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities

Transforming Collaborative Practices for Curriculum & Teaching Innovations w/ the Sus. Forum 3 Academics from a Community of Practice 4 Generating CUrriculum Consequences & Demonstrating its Success in Informal Leadership Learning Opportun…

Sterling, Maxey, & Luna eds. (2013) The Sustainable University

Chap 1: The sustainable university: challenge & response Re-thinking the purpose of HE Towards a deep learning response Towards the sus. uni.: a view of Plymouth Chap 7: Times of change: shifting pedagogy & curricula for future sus. Changi…

Systems Thinking: SPSF 1st Year Lecture to 3rd Year Seminar

What is Systems Thinking? The 6 concepts A Voluntary Workshop What is Systems Thinking? Before reading a book about systems thinking, we should draw the elements of reality and lines to connect them. We can find that one element affects a …

Chapter 14: Sustainable Development Goals & more

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. SDGs Wedding Cake Model: Structured SDGs II. Goal-Based Development III. Financing for SD IV. Principle of Good Governance V. Is SD Feasible? Discussions (Group) Japanese entry Textbook: The …

Chapter 13: Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. What is Biodiversity? Language in Danger: Diversity in cultures II. Biodiversity Under Threat III. Oceans and Fisheries IV. Deforestation V. International Dynamics Data Activities & Discussio…

Chapter 11: Resilient Cities

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. The Patterns of Urbanization Around the World II. The Patterns of Urbanization Around the World V. Planning Sustainable Development Additional Content: Covid-19 and urban life Data Activity J…

Chapter 10: Food Security

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. Sustainable Food Supply and the End of Hunger II. Farm Systems, Ecology, and Food Security III. How Environmental Change Threatens the Food System IV. How the Food System Threatens the Enviro…

Chapter 8: Education for All + ESD & Covid-19

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. Life Cycle Approach to Human Development II. Early Childhood Development (ECD) III. The Rising Returns of Education and the Supply Response IV. Social Mobility V. The Role of Higher Education…

Chapter 7: Social Inclusion

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development Three dimensions of social inclusion: Divided Societies Forces of Widening Inequalities Gender Inequalities Data Activities & Discussion Japanese entry Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Developme…

Chapter 5: Ending Extreme Poverty

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development Data Activities & Discuss Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development A widely used definition of extreme poverty is the World Bank's poverty line, where extreme poverty lies at or below an inc…

SPSF Chap 4: Why some countries developed / stayed poor

Textbook Data Activities Japanese entry Textbook Checklist of economic diseases: Poverty traps Bad economic policies Financial insolvency Physical geography Poor governance Cultural barriers Geopolitics There are two main ways to break a p…

Chap 3: A Brief History of Economic Dev.

Textbook Data Activities Japanese entry Textbook Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia Uni Pr Economists have given a name to this kind of growth: endogenous growth. "Endogenous" means something that arises from …

Chap 2: An Unequal World

Textbook Data Activities Japanese entry Textbook Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia Uni Pr GDP per capita is really not a comprehensive measure of economic development, because there are many other important i…

Chap 1. Sustainable Develoment

Textbook Data Activities Discussions: Anthropocene Planetary Boundaries Japanese entry Textbook Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia Uni Pr https://amzn.to/2Sz5N2Z The Age of Sustainable Development 作者: Jeffre…

〆切:9/20 オンライン自主ゼミ「開発と教育:グローバル課題と⽀援」

国際開発学会のメーリングリストからの転記です: 《⾃主ゼミ「開発と教育:グローバル課題と⽀援」お知らせ》 6. 申し込み⽅法 希望者は9⽉20⽇(⽇)までにフォーム(https://forms.gle/YyMWzZ3TsLxbskcF7 ) にてお申し込みください。応募者多数の場合…