
Contents for Higher Education for Sustainable Development

Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

Chapter 14: Sustainable Development Goals & more

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. SDGs Wedding Cake Model: Structured SDGs II. Goal-Based Development III. Financing for SD IV. Principle of Good Governance V. Is SD Feasible? Discussions (Group) Japanese entry Textbook: The …

Chapter 13: Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. What is Biodiversity? Language in Danger: Diversity in cultures II. Biodiversity Under Threat III. Oceans and Fisheries IV. Deforestation V. International Dynamics Data Activities & Discussio…

Chapter 11: Resilient Cities

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. The Patterns of Urbanization Around the World II. The Patterns of Urbanization Around the World V. Planning Sustainable Development Additional Content: Covid-19 and urban life Data Activity J…

Chapter 10: Food Security

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. Sustainable Food Supply and the End of Hunger II. Farm Systems, Ecology, and Food Security III. How Environmental Change Threatens the Food System IV. How the Food System Threatens the Enviro…

Chapter 8: Education for All + ESD & Covid-19

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development I. Life Cycle Approach to Human Development II. Early Childhood Development (ECD) III. The Rising Returns of Education and the Supply Response IV. Social Mobility V. The Role of Higher Education…

Chapter 7: Social Inclusion

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development Three dimensions of social inclusion: Divided Societies Forces of Widening Inequalities Gender Inequalities Data Activities & Discussion Japanese entry Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Developme…

Chapter 5: Ending Extreme Poverty

Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development Data Activities & Discuss Textbook: The Age of Sustainable Development A widely used definition of extreme poverty is the World Bank's poverty line, where extreme poverty lies at or below an inc…

SPSF Chap 4: Why some countries developed / stayed poor

Textbook Data Activities Japanese entry Textbook Checklist of economic diseases: Poverty traps Bad economic policies Financial insolvency Physical geography Poor governance Cultural barriers Geopolitics There are two main ways to break a p…

Chap 3: A Brief History of Economic Dev.

Textbook Data Activities Japanese entry Textbook Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia Uni Pr Economists have given a name to this kind of growth: endogenous growth. "Endogenous" means something that arises from …

Chap 2: An Unequal World

Textbook Data Activities Japanese entry Textbook Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia Uni Pr GDP per capita is really not a comprehensive measure of economic development, because there are many other important i…

Chap 1. Sustainable Develoment

Textbook Data Activities Discussions: Anthropocene Planetary Boundaries Japanese entry Textbook Sachs, J.D. (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia Uni Pr https://amzn.to/2Sz5N2Z The Age of Sustainable Development 作者: Jeffre…

〆切:9/20 オンライン自主ゼミ「開発と教育:グローバル課題と⽀援」

国際開発学会のメーリングリストからの転記です: 《⾃主ゼミ「開発と教育:グローバル課題と⽀援」お知らせ》 6. 申し込み⽅法 希望者は9⽉20⽇(⽇)までにフォーム(https://forms.gle/YyMWzZ3TsLxbskcF7 ) にてお申し込みください。応募者多数の場合…

Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Chapter 10

Covid-19でオンライン教育が世界中で激増していることから、敢えて日本語で. 成人教育・生涯学習ハンドブック――理論と実践 作者:ピーター・ジャーヴィス 発売日: 2020/03/28 メディア: 単行本 1.遠隔教育とOLの特質 1-1. 空間と時間の再編 1-2. 脱埋め込みメ…

Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Chapter 6

2020 Spring Term, GS course Textbook: Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice, Routledge. Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice 作者:Jarvis, Peter 2010/02/10 1. Learning & action 1-…

Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Chapter 5

2020 Spring Term, GS course Textbook: Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice, Routledge. Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice 作者:Jarvis, Peter 2010/02/10 1. Paulo Freire 2. Robe…

Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Chapter 4

2020 Spring Term, GS course Textbook: Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice, Routledge. Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice 作者:Jarvis, Peter 2010/02/10 1. The nature of learni…

Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Chapter 3

2020 Spring Term, GS course Textbook: Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice, Routledge. Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice 作者:Jarvis, Peter 2010/02/10 1. The concepts of lear…

Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Chapter 2

2020 Spring Term, GS course Textbook: Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice, Routledge. Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice 作者:Jarvis, Peter 2010/02/10 Globalization Emergence…

#深いESD のフレームワーク

本研究「大学における「深いESD」プログラムの開発と評価に関する実証的研究」では、次のような枠組みとデザインで研究を進めます。 ESDからSustainable Educationへ 1. ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) 2. Education for Sustainability 3. Su…


2005年以降の科研費による研究において「ESD」をキーワードとし、本研究(大学における「深いESD」プログラムの開発と評価に関する実証的研究)に関連する先行研究を整理 1. アプローチ:変容学習・ウェルビーイング・システム思考・アート 自己変容をもたら…

Higher Education for Sustainability: Leicht, Heiss & Byun eds. 2018. Issues & Trends in ESD

Leicht, A., Heiss, J. & Byun, W.J. eds. (2018). Issues & Trends in Education for Sustainable Development (PDF) Part I: Understanding ESD Chapter 1. From Agenda 21 to Target 4.7: the development of ESD 1-1. Integrating ed into SD 1-2. Integ…

Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Chapter 1

2020 Spring Term, GS course Textbook: Jarvis, P. (2010) Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice, Routledge. Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice 作者:Jarvis, Peter 発売日: 2010/02/10 メディア: ペー…


新年度開始が遅くなり(開始予定5/25(月))、刻々と変化する状況に不安も高まりますが、自分と家族の健康と安全を第一にして、今できることに集中していきましょう! 自宅や部屋でできることは、ストレッチ・ヨガや筋トレなどの他、しっかり読み込むことも…

2020年度「丸山ゼミ」に所属する学生へ #Slack でゼミ

(本エントリーはゼミ生にメールとSlackで送っています。他ゼミの参考までに) 丸山ゼミでは、連絡、内容、情報交換などのため、オンラインのワークスペース「Slack」を使います。以下、手順をお知らせしますので、早めに登録しておいてください。(特に、20…

Sterling & Huckle eds. (1996). #EducationForSustainability #ESD

For better SPSF, a key book summary Sterling, S. & Huckle, J.eds.(1996=2014).Education for Sustainability, London: Routledge. (Note: Ch 16 was added in 2014, others were in 1996) Education for Sustainability (English Edition) (1996=2014) K…

Corcoran & Wals eds (2007) HE and the challenge of #Sustainability

For better SPSF, a key book summary Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability (CERC Studies in Comparative Education) (p. 3). Springer Netherlands. Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics, Promise, and…

Sophia University's "Programme for Sustainable Futures" Starts as #ESD #SDGs #SustainableFutures

Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures, New English-based Undergraduate Program to Launch in Autumn Semester, 2020 上智大学 「持続可能な未来プログラム」開始 This is the new program offers bachelor's degrees in seven fields of study: journa…


高校2年生と大学1年生へ、私がオススメする #大学生活 3点 1. 協定校への海外留学を 学費が高い米国・英国だけでなく、他の多様な大学へ学部生の段階で海外留学で行くのは絶対にオススメ。上智大学の場合、こちら: www.sophia.ac.jp 2. 一生の記録である GP…