
Contents for Higher Education for Sustainable Development



  1. Poverty traps
  2. Bad economic policies
  3. Financial insolvency
  4. Physical geography
  5. Poor governance
  6. Cultural barriers
  7. Geopolitics

貧困の罠(poverty traps)から脱出する2つの方法:

  1. The government can borrow, make critical investments and count on future economic growth to replay depts, or
  2. Foreign and international actors can provide temporary private or official development assistance (ODA) to finance urgent needs and then scale down assistance as growth occurs.


  • 経済活動のコアは、エネルギー政策に。産油国は経済成長しやすいが、資源豊富であっても、カネ流入により政策が弱くなり、有効活用できてない国も。
  • 家族の規模、教育修了、女性の役割が、SDに最も影響を与える文化的信条。The total fertility rate (TFR) measures the average number of children a woman will have during her lifetime. TFRs are 4+ in some poorest countries. FR affect economic development because in large families, it is difficult to provide each child with the necessary human capital (health, nutrition, education etc.).



  • A critical step towards breaking this cycle is to help young girls stay in school: they to be more oriented toward the workforce, marry later, and have fewer children.



  • ジェンダー平等について、世界では違いが大きい。
  • 政府の役割は重要:human capitalのためインフラ整備、すべての人のための経済機会を担保。法整備と法による支配、治安維持、契約履行の監視。

